Request an Appointment

Please complete this form to request an appointment with Dr. Amy Fuller, LMFT, LPC or call (832) 848-0870.

Preferred Date and Time

Dr. Fuller sees patients from 8 am to 3 pm Monday through Friday.

Curious if your health care plan will cover counseling? Therapy is covered by most health insurance plans. To find out what the insurance will cover prior to the first appointment, please complete the information below regarding your insurance plan. Dr. Fuller’s office will get back to you within 3 business days to let you know what the coverage will be for out-of-network mental health care. Dr. Fuller or her staff will discuss the coverage before sending in a claim to the insurance company.

Insurance Verification Information

Please provide any additional information. If you have another insurance through a spouse or family member please submit a separate form.

By submitting this HIPAA Compliant Secure Form, I am giving permission to Dr. Amy Fuller and her office staff to contact me or those listed above with the information provided. I am aware that email, telephone and text are not secure, private methods of communication.
YOUR PRIVATE HEALTH INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL. Any insurance information provided will be for the sole purpose of determining eligibility of benefits for therapy.